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10 Year Warranty

Our Ten-Year Workmanship Warranty

People are often unclear about what their rights are when it comes to warranties – particularly for renovations. Bathrooms in Auckland are very clear about our warranties. We have you well protected.

You are covered of course by Consumers Guarantee Act.
  • All work done by your contractors will be carried out in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations
  • Work will be done in an appropriate and skillful way
  • Work will be done as specified in plans and specifications, where they’re supplied
  • Products and materials used or supplied will be good and suitable for the purpose for which they’re used
  • Products and materials used will be new
Ten-year Workmanship Warranty

This relates to building, plumbing, plastering, painting and tiling labour work completed by us. This means that we guarantee the work for 10 years from the date of completion. You will also be supplied with certificates where required – electrical, waterproofing and gas-fitting. The workmanship warranty does not cover product as these are covered as below.

Product Warranty

All products supplied by Bathrooms in Auckland carry a warranty carried by the supplier. These warranties vary with the products and will be outlined in your personal warranty. It excludes products not supplied by Bathrooms in Auckland.

We carry Public Liability Insurance

Provides protection from damage to third party property. An example of a claim would be if someone accidentally screws through a pipe, and this results in water damage. This has not happened, but we are prepared.

Terms & Conditions of Product Warranties

Bathrooms in Auckland Limited will at its election, pursuant to its obligations under the suppliers Warranty:

  • Arrange for the product supplier to repair or replace the defective product or part;
  • Product warranties do not cover labour, removal and installation costs. Any costs incurred to remove faulty products and install replacements will be at the cost of the home owner.
  • The Warranty applies only when the product is still in its original installation location
The following will not be covered by the Warranty:
  • Damage due to accident, improper handling, improper care and cleaning, faulty repairs, alteration, abuse or misuse (whether undertaken by a contractor, service company, or the consumer)

Please be sure to provide all pertinent information regarding your claim, including a complete description of the problem and the product.

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